It’s official! Summer is over and fall has arrived with shorter days and cooler temperatures! We still have a few months of nice weather left, but we know that winter is right around the corner. It’s been a unique summer to say the least.
We continue to see the challenges from the pandemic – mainly price inflation and supply chain issues that cause delays and make it seem like you can’t get anything!
Collectively, we put a solid focus this summer on the supply chain issues and the steady increases in the prices of most things, but particularly on increased fuel costs. We have worked tirelessly to get the message out to everyone on how to navigate and save during these frustrating times. Increased prices caused by inflation remains the number one issue we are facing this year. Fuel continues to be much higher than normal, and we have seen a tire cost increase of over 50%. Both have presented many challenges.
On average, we go through over 15,000 gallons of fuel a week! That’s a staggering number when computed to dollar amounts. We continue to monitor our progress and encourage everyone to do all that they can to help by putting forth the extra effort to save. As we move from the rush of summertime travel, we are hopeful a decline in fuel pricing will follow. Throughout the past months, the best defense has always been to conserve whenever you can and to think of and act on different ways to save fuel.
The theme this year was to help do your part! We need to continue shutting off trucks and/or equipment when not in use. The cost savings derived from this action goes way beyond the pump. Preventive maintenance is calculated not just on mileage, but also by hours. Decreasing the total “non- utilized” hours helps to drive overall cost down, which saves fuel as well as preventive maintenance costs.
We truly appreciate everyone’s willingness to help. Please continue to look for opportunities to conserve fuel as prices are still far above what is considered normal.
The picture is much bigger than just the fuel pump!